Grandma Nonnie's Pumpkin Bread (go back »)

August 12 2008, 2:10 PM

I am trying out an idea. Since everyone loves my Pumpkin Nut Bread when I make it during the holidays, I thought that perhaps selling the dry ingredients and having the consumer add the four remaining products, would help me to raise money for the non-profit organization that I volunteer for.

It is always a good idea to do some market research for any product you wish to sell. So I am passing out packaged dry good ingredients to a few people - that I trust will help me out - by giving me feedback about my product.

So for those of you to whom I have given pumpkin bread dry ingredients, would you mind answering some questions for me?

1. Did you like the finished product?

2. Did you find it easier to have the dry ingredients prepared already?

3. Would you purchase this as a gift for someone else? If so, would you like it to come with loaf pans, can of pumpkin, etc?

4. Would you purchase this product?

5. What would you be willing to pay for this product?

6. Were the instructions easy to follow?

Thank you so much for your help!

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